
Through this privacy statement, SAIC Motor Central and Eastern Europe Kft. (hereinafter: "MG Motor" or "we/our") wishes to inform the person of whom it collects, uses and stores (in other words: processes) personal data through its general website and special website
for introductions.These persons may include business contacts, vendors, directors, agents, prospects/customers and their representatives, employees and/or shareholders, as applicable. MG Motor shall qualify as a data controller for such processing activities. In this statement, we use the
word “you” to refer to anyone within the scope of this statement.

Other services offered by MG Motor may be subject to a separate privacy statement.

1. The personal data we collect

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. We use personal data to run our business, provide our services, enter into a contract and to protect our interests. With regard to the general and special websites, we process personal data if you provide it
to us, or when we collect it from you, for example in the course of your dealings with us or in the course of your use of the general or special website.

Depending on the processing activity, the information we process in relation to you may consist of:

1. First and last name;

2. Company name;

3. Phone number;

4. E-mail address;

5. Address, City and Country;

6. Data regarding your equipment, such as an IP address (this information does not alwaysqualify as personal data);

7. Data concerning your preferred model, accessories and test drive

8. Data regarding your use of the general or special website.

In order for us to provide you with our services, it is mandatory to provide certain personal data. If you do not provide the personal data marked as + mandatory on the general or special website, we may not be able to provide you with our services.

2. How personal data may be accessed

Access to your personal data is limited. Within our organisation, persons are only allowed to access personal data on a need-to-know basis.

In some cases we share your personal data with third parties. MG Motor may share your personal data with:

1. Internal departments that are involved in handling a transaction to which you are – directly or indirectly – a party, such as Finance, Sales, Marketing, Operations;

2. Customers, suppliers or service providers of MG Motor, acting as data processor or data controller, such as hosting providers, IT service providers, and external advisors, accountants and lawyers;

3. Supervisory authorities and other governmental bodies, to comply with legal obligations;

4. Third parties involved in a transaction (such as a mergers or acquisitions) pursuant to which (a part of) our business is sold or transferred.

5. National importers to fulfil an information request or organise a test drive

6. Local dealers to fulfil an information request, make an offer on request or plan a test drive.

We will only transfer your personal data to the above mentioned third parties for the purposes stated in this privacy statement, and only to the extent that is permitted under the applicable law and regulations.

Third parties to whom we transfer your personal data are themselves responsible for compliance with applicable data protection laws, unless they act as our data processor. We are not responsible or liable for the way these third parties handle your personal data or comply with the applicable data
protection law, provided that they act as an independent data controller.

3. International transfers of personal data

Currently we do not transfer personal data to recipients located outside the EEA. However, should we transfer your personal data outside the EEA in the future, we will inform you of this in advance. We will then put in place the appropriate safeguards to ensure adequate protection.

4. Our legal bases for processing

Under data protection laws, we are allowed to process personal data only if we can rely on one or more of the legal grounds for processing. These are:

  • Consent – Your consent, where legally required.
  • Contract – The processing is necessary for performance of a contract with you/your company or to take steps at your request prior to entering a contract.
  • Legal obligation – The processing is necessary to comply with our legal obligations.
  • Public interest – The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.
  • Legitimate interests – The processing is necessary for our or a third party’s legitimate interests. We, or a third party, have legitimate interests in carrying on, managing and administering our respective businesses effectively and properly and in connection with those interests processing your data. These interests also include inter alia IT security, the monitoring of transactions, such as offers, test drives and marketing. Your data will not be processed on this basis if our or a third party’s interests are overridden by your own interests, rights and freedoms.
  • Vital interests – Where processing is needed to protect your vital interests (or someone else’s interests) and you are not capable of giving your consent. This is only likely to apply in very exceptional circumstances such as in a medical emergency.

5. Purposes and legal basis for the processing of personal data

MG Motor processes personal data for the purposes described below. As explained above, processing in this context might include transfers to third parties and/or outside of the EEA. From time to time, we may publish specific notices setting out (additional) details regarding particular processes or programs being adopted by us.

PurposeLegal basis
Preparing and/or establishing and maintaining a customer or vendor relationship with you or the organisation you represent.
Legitimate interests
Responding to your requests for information or enquiry.
Legitimate interests
Ensuring physical and system and IT security, including the security of our Website.
Legitimate interests
Analysing the use of our Website, including clicks and other data related to one’s use of the Website, mostly through Google Analytics.
Legitimate interests
Corporate transactions/due diligence. In the course of a potential merger or takeover, your personal data may be provided to a potential buyer or investor.
Legitimate interests
Dispute resolution, defence of legal claims, compliance.
Legal obligation
Legitimate interests
Public interest
Keep you updated about the new MG ZS if you wish so, by providing us with your email address, name and country of residence.
Consent (if applicable)
Legitimate interests
Providing you or your company with brochures, marketing information or advertisements, via email, mail or telephone. To the extent required by applicable law, your prior consent will be collected.
Consent (if applicable)
Legitimate interests

We are not engaged in any automated decision making without human intervention, which affects data subjects.

6. Your rights

We are obliged to inform you of your rights:

  1. Right of access, this means you can make a request to obtain information regarding the personal data we process about you;

  2. The right to rectification or correction of your personal data;

  3. The right to erasure of the personal data concerning you;

  4. The right to restriction of the processing;

  5. The right to data portability, this means that you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and that you have the right to transmit those data to another controller;

  6. The right to object to certain types of processing;

  7. The right to lodge a complaint about our processing of personal data with the competent supervisory authority – should you not be satisfied with our handling of your request or complaint;

  8. The right to withdraw your consent, to the extent that it was given.

Your rights, with the exception of (vii), can be exercised by submitting a request to us via the contact details included in this privacy statement, and only to the extent that you enjoy such rights under applicable law.

7. Retention period

We will not store your personal data longer than necessary in light of the purposes stated in this privacy statement, unless we are required by law or regulations to do so. Please note that we may be legally required to keep personal data we hold about you (whether directly or indirectly) for a fixed period after the information has lost its relevance, for tax and corporate law purposes.

8. Changes to this privacy statement

We may change or update this privacy statement from time to time, to make sure that the information is up to date. You will be notified of any changes, if we are obliged to do so.

9. Contact

If you have any questions or comments about this privacy statement and/or the processing of your personal data, please contact: